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Choosing Strength: How to Switch from Surviving to Thriving

When faced with a tough choice, do you tackle it head-on or wait in hopes it will pass?

My name is Jerad Hill; welcome to my field notes.

Jerad Hill’s Field Notes is a weekly newsletter containing insights and discoveries from my life as a follower of Christ, husband, father of four, deep thinker, 20+ year entrepreneur, photographer, YouTuber, and pilot.

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Choosing Strength: How to Switch from Surviving to Thriving

I haven't lived up to my expectations for much of my life. This has made me lose confidence in myself, often leading to self-doubt.

I often blamed outside situations for my problems, but the reality is that I've always been in charge of my life. I decide how I react to things. Sometimes, I handle things well and am pleased with the results. Other times, I don't do as well and rely on different ways I've learned to cope.

Earlier this year, I understood that I always have a choice in dealing with situations. I get to decide to face short-term challenges for long-term benefits or take the easy way out to avoid the discomfort. I’ll have a lot to share about that over the coming months.

“How we show up for ourselves” is the topic of a recent video I filmed. In this video, I share a few personal experiences and what I’ve learned along the way.

The video (25 minutes long) is also available as an audio podcast. You can get that here. I’ve also been sharing snippets from this video on Instagram and TikTok.

Streaks Apple Watch App

I use the Streaks App on my iPhone and Apple Watch. It sends me reminders to focus on what's important to me, helping me stay strong and consistent every day.

Join Me Live! - Field Notes Collaborative

Join me for a live video call on Thursday, December 14th, at 4 PM MST. We will discuss the topic introduced in the above video and podcast during this time. You can join in on the discussion or listen in. To get an invite, click reply and say, “I’m In!” The call will last 30 minutes but could last longer if the discussion gets lively.

Habits of the Household

I’m currently reading Habits of the Household and am loving the book. We had good household habits when my wife and I started having kids. We ate dinner together, read books to our kids, sang them a song before bedtime, and everybody brushed their teeth. However, many of these habits have slipped under life's busyness, leading to impatience at dinner and frustration at bedtime. I have lost control of the healthy family habits I desired in my household. This book has validated what I have felt within my household and has reminded me that it is up to me to set the pace and vibes within my household.

Habits of the Household: Amazon
Listen on Audible

Favorite Things

Watch, Listen, Read

I’m working on a sustainable approach to expressing my thoughts through video, podcast, and written word. While it is easier to sit down and ramble my thoughts into a microphone, hoping to edit into something that makes sense, I want to be more methodical and improve my communication skills.

I am doing this because it helps express my thoughts and ideas immensely. I am iterating on the original idea through writing, resulting in something much more complete. I prefer to watch what others are doing as they learn and figure things out rather than try to learn from someone who is now removed from the problem and recounting their memories.

Until next time,
Jerad Hill

Thanks for sticking with me. I hope you enjoyed the third edition of my Field Notes Newsletter. See recent editions here.

I welcome your feedback; I’m still working on a format for these emails. Let me know your thoughts by clicking the poll and providing your feedback. What would you like to see in this newsletter? Hit reply and let me know.

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